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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst chez AXA Funds Management

A data Analyst is responsible for implementation of numerous complex data flows to connect operational systems, data for APIs, analytics and business intelligence (BI) systems.

As a data Analyst, be responsible to contribute to our data transformation agenda in order to standardize flows and data distribution while leveraging on relevant technologies. Key accountabilities:
Collaborate across multiple teams on transversal projects involving Data ReferentialsActs as an advisor on data model for businessPromote opportunities to re-use existing data flows between among teamsLead or contribute to projects to enhance our data distribution platformImprove our practice and standardsApply knowledge of systems integrationMonitor data flowsImprove team’ scalability by introducing scientific approach to massive data analysis


Knowledge of AXA IM Environment & various FunctionsMaster degree (BAC+5 or equivalent) with a proven professional experience of 5 years+ with 3 years minimum in a similar roleStrong verbal and written communication skillsData modelling

• Communication skills (data). You can listen to the needs of technical and business stakeholders and interpret them. You know how to manage stakeholder expectations. You are flexible and capable of proactive and reactive communication.
• Data analysis and synthesis. You understand and can help teams apply a range of techniques for data profiling. You can source system analysis from a complex single source. You can bring multiple data sources together in a conformed model for analysis.
• Data development process. You know how to establish data integration procedures across the data development life cycle and ensure that teams adhere to these.
• Data innovation. You can identify areas of innovation in data tools and techniques and recognise appropriate timing for adoption.
• Data integration design. You know how to establish standards and you know how to keep those standards up to date and ensure adherence to them.
• Data modelling. You understand the concepts and principles of data modelling and can produce relevant data models.
• Metadata management. You can design an appropriate metadata repository and present changes to existing metadata repositories. You understand a range of tools for storing and working with metadata. You can provide oversight and advice to more inexperienced members of the team.
• Problem resolution (data). You can ensure that the most appropriate actions are taken to resolve problems as they occur.
• Testing. You can review requirements, specifications and define test conditions. You can identify issues and risks associated with work while being able to analyse and report test activities and results.

ABOUT AXA Would you like to wake up every day driven and inspired by our noble mission and to work together as one global team to empower people to live a better life? Here at AXA we strive to lead the transformation of our industry. We are looking for talented individuals who come from varied backgrounds, think differently and want to be part of this exciting transformation by challenging the status quo so we can push AXA - a leading global brand and one of the most innovative companies in our industry - onto even greater things.

In a fast-evolving world and with a presence in 64 countries, our 166,000 employees and exclusive distributors anticipate change to offer services and solutions tailored to the current and future needs of our 103 million customers.

We are an active, long-term, global, multi-asset investor focused on enabling more people to harness the power of investing to meet their financial goals. By combining investment insight and innovation with robust risk management we have become one of the largest asset managers in Europe, managing €746bn in assets as of the end of 2017. We employ about 2,400 people around the world and operate out of 21 countries.
We are proud to foster a high-performance culture, which means that we seek to recruit and retain people who are not only technically-skilled but also globally-minded, innovative and able to leverage their unique perspectives and life experiences to support our success as a company. AXA IM is committed to building an inclusive culture, valuing diversity and supporting the career progression of all employees.
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