What the internship will offer
As an intern, you’ll be immersed in a financial environment and learn about asset management and trading. You’ll gain experience in working first-hand with data analysts and traders to enhance data structures and feed processes to solve business problems.
Would you like to wake up every day driven and inspired by our noble mission and to work together as one global team to empower people to live a better life? Here at AXA we strive to lead the transformation of our industry. We are looking for talented individuals who come from varied backgrounds, think differently and want to be part of this exciting transformation by challenging the status quo so we can push AXA - a leading global brand and one of the most innovative companies in our industry - onto even greater things. In a fast-evolving world and with a presence in 64 countries, our 166,000 employees and exclusive distributors anticipate change to offer services and solutions tailored to the current and future needs of our 103 million customers.
AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) is a responsible asset manager, actively investing for the long-term to help its clients, its people and the world to prosper. Our high conviction approach enables us to uncover what we believe to be the best global investment opportunities across alternative and traditional asset classes, managing approximately €866 billion in assets as at the end of June 2021.
AXA IM is a leading investor in green, social and sustainable markets, managing €568 billion of ESG-integrated, sustainable and impact assets as at the end of June 2021.
We are committed to reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 across all our assets, and integrating ESG principles into our business, from stock selection to our corporate actions and culture. Our goal is to provide clients with a true value responsible investment solution, while driving meaningful change for society and the environment.
At end of June 2021, AXA IM employs over 2,488 employees around the world, operates out of 26 offices across 20 countries and is part of the AXA Group, a worldwide leader in insurance and asset management.
We are proud to foster a high-performance culture, which means that we seek to recruit and retain people who are not only technically-skilled but also globally-minded, innovative and able to leverage their unique perspectives and life experiences to support our success as a company. AXA IM is committed to building an inclusive culture, valuing diversity and supporting the career progression of all employees.
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