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Contenu de l'offre Senior Marketing Manager chez Allegorithmic

We are seeking an innovative and experienced Marketing Manager!

Talented and passionate about digital marketing innovations, you will have a key role in building the position of manager, supporting a large team (7 pax) in a context of growth and transition.

Related to the Marketing Director based in San Francisco in Adobe headquarters, you will handle:

About the job:

Collaborate and manage a large team of experts across brand, creative, social media, PR, analytics, books publishing and events Ensure the right level of informations and the interests of the team Build and share presentations and documents that communicate strategy, project performance and recommendations to the team Manage, prioritize define budgets efficiently Work cross-functionally with the corporate marketing organization to ensure the Substance go-to-market strategy application and messaging aligns with field marketing programs. Analyze performance of field marketing activities and establish a regular reporting & communications cadence with stakeholders on field marketing efforts.

About you:

10+ years experience in software editors, digital publishers, or agencies in marketing management, marketing planning, marketing implementation, digital marketing, and event execution. Excellent relationship, partnering, and collaboration skills, and experience working cross-functionally with a sales organization. You possess strong project management skills and have experience managing complex, collaborative projects as well as people Highly organized and detail-oriented Ability to work collaboratively across internal and external teams in a decentralized work environment. Creative, you possess excellent communication and writing skills

Relevant experience in an international environment is a must, in 3D field, entertainment or related fields would be a great plus!

Additional Information :

Position on permanent contract (Full-Time) based in Paris 9th. Fluent in english and french - another language would be a plus

Cpf final 4

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Senior Marketing Manager
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