À propos

Régals de Bretagne-France has nine production plants in France. The company was founded in 1962 by the father of Mr. Christian Buton. Régals de Bretagne-USA is a subsidiary of Regals de Bretagne-France, and we manage the sales and marketing of our products in the U.S and the South American markets. Retailers, wholesalers, and food service establishments look to us because we are the manufacturer and supplier of authentic recipes from the Brittany region of France. Our specialty is store brand/private label for the in-store bakery (ISB). We also have state-of-the art warehousing close to the ports of NY and Elizabeth, NJ and offer distribution through our trucking network. Our edge is the ability to tailor the process to fit your needs as a bakery service provider. For more information email us at info@regalsdebretagneusa.com

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018

Détail sur l'entreprise

  • Localisation : 226 Old New Brunswick Rd, Piscataway Township, NJ 08854, USA
  • Tech :
    squarespace google_apps typekit_by_adobe
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