
IMV Technologies

Site web Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Rédiger un avis sur IMV Technologies Reproductive solutions for animals from semen collection to insemination (semen collection, analysis, media, packaging, freezing, storage, thawing, AI, ET).
À propos

World Leader in Animal Reproduction Biotechnologies Aware of the concerns of breeders and insemination centers, IMV Technologies designs, manufactures, and distributes the technical and material solutions needed by breeders to help them improve their herds. The goal is to provide support in an ever-changing world by improving the performance of reproduction techniques while increasing biosecurity and facilitating regulatory compliance

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
Offres d'emploi déjà pourvues chez IMV Technologies
Aware of the concerns of breeders and insemination centers, IMV Technologies designs, manufactures, and distributes the technical and material solutions needed by breeders to help them improve their herds.The goal is to provide support in an ever-c...
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

Détail sur l'entreprise

  • Localisation : ZI NUMERO 1 EST, 61300 SAINT OUEN SUR ITON
  • Activité : Fabrication de matériel médico-chirurgical et dentaire
  • Secteur : Health Care
  • Nombre d'employés : 200 à 249 salariés (2016)
  • Nature juridique : SA à directoire (s.a.i.)
  • Tech :
    microsoft_exchange_online microsoft_office_365 outlook google_tag_manager apache twitter_button
  • Code APE : 3250A
  • Date information : 11/10/2017
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