À propos

Euro Pool System is the market leader in returnable packaging for the fresh supply chain in Europe. Our reusable trays and foldable crates have become the standard in the chain for fresh and packaged food. Each and every day producers, transporters, processing companies and retailers benefit from the advantages of our products. Moreover, we work continuously on the further standardisation and integration of our solutions within our clients’ logistics processes. With a network of approximately 50 service centres in twelve countries we provide optimal reliability, flexibility, sustainability and efficiency throughout the whole chain. Euro Pool System offers a dynamic working environment for more than 500 employees. We cherish our corporate values, by which we encourage team spirit, personal growth, respect, entrepreneurship and innovation. Euro Pool is a division of the Euro Pool Group, the largest logistics service provider of reusable standard packaging in Europe.

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
We are market leader in the field of reusable packaging in the European fresh supply chain. Our reusable trays are the standard in the chain for fresh and packaged foods.
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

Détail sur l'entreprise

  • Ville : VILLEPINTE
  • Localisation : 22 AV DES NATIONS, 93420 VILLEPINTE
  • Activité : Location et location-bail machines, équipements et biens divers
  • Secteur : Industrials
  • Nombre d'employés : 6 à 9 salariés (2016)
  • Chiffre d'affaire : $10M-$50M
  • Nature juridique : Société à responsabilité limitée (sans autre indication)
  • Tech :
    asp_net microsoft_exchange_online microsoft_office_365 outlook youtube google_tag_manager google_analytics
  • Code APE : 7739Z
  • Date information : 02/07/2017
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