

Site web Twitter LinkedIn Rédiger un avis sur Eniram Eniram provides the marine industry with leading insights for asset, operations, and commercial management, saving costs and cutting harmful emissions.
À propos

Since 2005 Eniram has provided the marine industry with leading insights for asset, operations and commercial shipping management. The Eniram Insight Factory gives decision making support for its partners based on real time data collection, statistical modeling and predictive simulations. Our mission is to maximize the efficiency of the industry through digital insights, saving costs and increasing overall profitability, while cutting the emissions harmful to our environment. Eniram’s solutions range from single vessel services to comprehensive fleet wide solutions. Among Eniram’s customers are leading players in the cruise, LNG, container, tanker and bulker markets. We also offer a subscription based service to expand into performance management for the commercial and charter market. Eniram is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland and has subsidiaries in the UK, Netherlands, the US, Germany and Singapore. Eniram is a Wärtsilä Company, catalyzing a digital and performance driven business.

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
Eniram Oy, founded in 2005, is a Finnish clean-tech software engineering company which specializes in marine energy management products and services for ship-owners and operators of commercial vessels, ranging from cruise ships, bulk carriers, containe...
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

Détail sur l'entreprise

  • Ville : RUNGIS
  • Localisation : 6 PL LOUIS-XIII, 94150 RUNGIS
  • Date de création : 2005
  • Activité : Activités des voyagistes
  • Secteur : Industrials
  • Nombre d'employés : 6 à 9 salariés (2016)
  • Nature juridique : SAS, société par actions simplifiée
  • Tech :
    zendesk wordpress google_maps microsoft_office_365 nginx ubuntu pardot youtube digital_ocean microsoft_exchange_online cloudinary crazy_egg google_tag_manager google_analytics
  • Code APE : 7912Z
  • Date information : 03/09/2015
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